Vape Detector

Hello, Green River High School!

 I wanted to inform parents and students of our continuous efforts to enhance student safety in our schools. We are installing FLY Sense Vape Detectors in Green River High School.  Our goal is to become more proactive by addressing student safety issues which can potentially be harmful to our students' health. 

Vaping in school has been a concern for some time.  It has been difficult to monitor. We have already provided school assemblies and health classes to educate our student body of the potential harmful effects. We have an obligation to ensure our students are provided a safe and healthy learning environment.  My hope is that these devices become a deterrent to vaping in our school. 

 I am informing parents, staff, and students of vape detectors being installed in our schools before this work is complete. We want to empower students with the education and knowledge to make healthy choices and informed decisions. We hope this effort as a deterrent helps students avoid undesirable consequences. 

These vape detectors also have an anti-tampering mechanism within them.  Students found tampering with these devices will be provided consequences for vandalism. The cost of replacing each device is over $1,000.00.

Vaping in school and vandalism are both a Level 3 Behavior Offense in the student handbook which includes the following consequences:

  • Parent contact

  • Restitution

  • Multiple days of suspension from school

  • If the vaping device uses illegal drugs it will be an automatic 9 day Out of School Suspension

  • Police referral and citation

  • 21 day activity suspension

  • Recommendation for expulsion

  • We are also pursuing a substance abuse cessation course prior to a student's return.

Now for Exciting News! 

Our standardized summative assessments are upon us.  Our staff is excited to see how well our students do.  The results will reflect the learning and hard work taking place in our school by both staff and students alike.  Last year, Green River High School achieved higher scores than ever before.  Our students either met or exceeded the state average in every WYTOPP Summative Assessment.  This was the first time in the history of Green River High School.  As a result we made championship banners to hang in our school to recognize and celebrate this achievement.  It was like winning an "academic state championship" as a result of the hard work of our staff and students.

This year, we are on pace to do it again!  Our winter scores indicated we were at or above the state average in every category and our growth from the fall to winter assessment was substantially higher than the state as well.  Last year’s 10 graders were among the highest scores in the state.  This year they are taking the ACT Test and I anticipate they will do amazingly again this year.

What I would like to do is to dangle the proverbial carrot inat our students.  If we meet and/or exceed the state average again this year, I will plan an end of the year Street Dance Party for the student body on May 19th in the GRHS Parking lot.  Mr. Skinner’s  Phony Stark Industries has agreed to provide the music. We will invite food trucks to be available for our students' convenience to celebrate our success as we approach the end of the year.

We encourage students to come to school prepared to their best.  Get a good night’s sleep, Get up early, take a shower, and eat a healthy breakfast.  Being well rested and nourished will give students the energy and confidence to be at their best.

Now here is the secret to success.  All students have to do is give their best effort. If we can get our students to make this commitment they will exceed the state average in all categories again!

We the best students in the state and it is time to let them show the state what they are made of.  


Good Luck and have a GREAT DAY!!!

Darren Heslep

Principal of Green River High School